I was blessed once again to travel to Houston in August this year. I really love the Houston Temple, it’s a gorgeous building inside and out. Lindsey and Jake were a great couple to work with and I really enjoyed making this great temple film for them. Their photographer was Russ Dixon, he was lots of fun to work with as well. “ya’ll” can see his work at www.russdixonphotography.com.

[flv:/media/texas_wedding_video_lds_houston_temple_film_lindsey_and_jake.flv 480 270]

[tags] giant brothers, houston temple, lds wedding video, houston wedding video [/tags]

8 responses to “Houston Temple Film – Lindsey & Jake”

  1. Cathy Avatar

    Spencer – this is beautiful! I love the music – what is it?!?!

  2. Cathy Avatar

    Spencer – this is beautiful! I love the music – what is it?!?!

  3. Spencer Avatar

    They used the track “Tennessee” from the Pearl Harbor movie soundtrack. Glad you liked it, thank you!

  4. Spencer Avatar

    They used the track “Tennessee” from the Pearl Harbor movie soundtrack. Glad you liked it, thank you!

  5. Chelsea Avatar

    I am pretty much in love with this! I watch it at least once a week. I hope to use this video as an idea some day when I get married.

  6. Chelsea Avatar

    I am pretty much in love with this! I watch it at least once a week. I hope to use this video as an idea some day when I get married.

  7. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Chelsea!

  8. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Chelsea!

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