Month: June 2009

  • I was so lucky to get to go to Houston again this year, which makes it three years in a row.  Although at least this time it was in June instead of August, so the weather wasn’t too extreme, only 97 degrees. Russ Dixon, their photographer, and I had a blast shooting together again, it hardly felt like…

  • I was so lucky to get to go to Houston again this year, which makes it three years in a row.  Although at least this time it was in June instead of August, so the weather wasn’t too extreme, only 97 degrees. Russ Dixon, their photographer, and I had a blast shooting together again, it hardly felt like…

  • I had a really great time shooting with Kyra and Anthony last month.  They are a lot of fun and I’m sure they’ll have a long and happy life together.  We had a great time at Boondocks, it’s always really fun to shoot there.  Hope you enjoy it! [flv:/media/2009/kyra_anthony_ls.flv 480 270] [tags] wedding video, utah,…

  • As promised, here is Brittany and James’ love story.  Quite different from Elena and Victor’s, they dated slightly longer than 7 days–they actually dated all through high school.  They were great fun to work with.  I’ll hopefully have each of their temple films from their double wedding up soon. [flv:/media/2009/utah_wedding_video_love_story_brittany_and_james.flv 480 270] [tags] wedding video,…

  • Elena and Victor had an unusual dating relationship before they got engaged, in that it lasted for only a few days before he popped the question.  And apparently Facebook is a tool in getting people together these days, who knew?  So they had a fun love story to tell, and I had a great time…