Month: May 2011

  • As much fun as I had on their date video, I had even more fun on Meredith & Mark’s wedding day. It was a gorgeous spring afternoon (something that seems hard to come by this spring), their family was great, as well as their photographer – Kelly from Gallery Photography. I hope you enjoy their…

  • As much fun as I had on their date video, I had even more fun on Meredith & Mark’s wedding day. It was a gorgeous spring afternoon (something that seems hard to come by this spring), their family was great, as well as their photographer – Kelly from Gallery Photography. I hope you enjoy their…

  • I had so much fun working with Meredith and Mark! Not only are they super cute, they are super cool as well. Here’s their fun date film we shot just kicking around good ol’ Downtown SLC. Hope you enjoy it!

  • I love working at the Bountiful Temple! I haven’t been there for a good while, so it was so much fun to be there again with Kolbi & Sean. They are a really fun couple, and I had a blast working with them and their families. Hope your enjoy their temple film!