Month: January 2014

  • Every year in Utah we experience at least one really cold snap.  Usually it’s in January, but not always.  This year it was straight out of the gate in December.  And it lasted a long time.  And it was REALLY COLD.  This is our setting for the morning of December 17, the wedding day of…

  • Every year in Utah we experience at least one really cold snap.  Usually it’s in January, but not always.  This year it was straight out of the gate in December.  And it lasted a long time.  And it was REALLY COLD.  This is our setting for the morning of December 17, the wedding day of…

  • Every year in Utah we experience at least one really cold snap.  Usually it’s in January, but not always.  This year it was straight out of the gate in December.  And it lasted a long time.  And it was REALLY COLD.  This is our setting for the morning of December 17, the wedding day of…