First of all, let’s start off with the basics and clarify the difference between a love story film and a date film:

Love Story — The bride and groom being interviewed, telling their story of how they came to be together, along with them having fun doing an activity they enjoy.

Date — Bride and Groom on a date, having fun.  Edited like a music video to a song of their choice.

So the big question is, which one is right for you?  Honestly, the best love stories that we have put together are for those who have an interesting story to tell, and can tell their story well.  Here’s a good example of one.

If you don’t like to talk in front of the camera or don’t have much more to say than “I just really love him and he’s so awesome!”, then you may want to go with the date option.  Some brides think they have to do a  love story because their older sister or mom did one.  I say do what’s best for you, and that will make a much better video!

Some couples just want to have fun and be relaxed and show their personality, and the Date film is a great way to do that.    Pick an activity that you both enjoy, or just have fun together, and pick a song that means something to the both of you, and we can turn it into an awesome date film.  Go to the Date Films page to see some good examples.

Hopefully this has been some help to you in deciding which one to go with, give us a call if you have more questions.

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