Whoa, what a windy day! I love working at the Oquirrh Mountain temple, and was so happy to work with Rachel & Ryan. Not only that, but I also got to work with my good friend and photographer Jon Woodbury as well. He always does an amazing job. Rachel & Ryan were so much fun to work with, they weren’t bothered at all by the 50+ mph  winds. I hope you enjoy their temple film!

2 responses to “Oquirrh Mountain Temple Film – Rachel & Ryan”

  1. Mary Avatar

    LOVED it! Laughed at loud with some of the scenes. And thought John Denver’s song was perfect–especially considering the wind! Oh–recognized a sister in law there from a previous video–I think 🙂

    So funny!

    1. Spencer Avatar

      Thanks Mary! You’re right, you probably recognized the fabulously famous Kylee & Jason Seguin, this is Jason’s brother getting married.

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