Courtney & Tyler’s temple film is really elegant, yet with the hint of fun in it that really reflects their personality. I really enjoyed being a part of their wedding day. They had an amazing photographer, Anna Page. You can view some of Courtney & Tyler’s photographs on her blog. Just like Anna mentions in her blog post, it was a windy, windy day, and pretty cold, especially for April. Tyler had a great idea of tucking Courtney’s veil into her dress, but she didn’t put up with that for too long. 🙂 I hope you enjoy the video!

[flv:/media/utah_wedding_video_timpanongos_lds_temple_film_courtney_and_tyler_hd.flv 480 270]<a

[tags] giant brothers films, utah wedding videos, temple films, timpanongos temple, lds temple [/tags]

4 responses to “Timpanogos Temple Film – Courtney & Tyler”

  1. Anna Avatar

    Oh. My. Gosh. I love it! That was so cute. Thanks for linking me 🙂

  2. Anna Avatar

    Oh. My. Gosh. I love it! That was so cute. Thanks for linking me 🙂

  3. Spencer Avatar

    Sure thing Anna. It really was fun working with you and your husband.

    I really dig the engagements and bridals you did for Courtney and Tyler as well. the location and color in the 8th bridal is sweet.

  4. Spencer Avatar

    Sure thing Anna. It really was fun working with you and your husband.

    I really dig the engagements and bridals you did for Courtney and Tyler as well. the location and color in the 8th bridal is sweet.

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