wedding video tips

Our job as videographers is to show you at your best.  But there’s definitely some things that you can do to help us make you look even better.

1.  Act natural and interact with each other. You don’t have to wait for the professionals to pose you and tell you what to do.  This is your day, so let us see some of what you’re really feeling, not just how we want you to look.  We prefer to get a more candid look of your day, so it’s great to get some real interaction between you two.  We’ve also noticed that it’s sometimes hard to act natural or lovey dovey with your mom or dad standing right there.  It’s okay to tell them to go away, in a tactful way of course.

2.  Relax. This is a wonderful day, the best day of your life, but it’s very easy to get caught up in little things, especially those that you have no control over.  If you’re stressing out about time or the weather, it’s going to show in your demeanor and attitude, which we are capturing on film.  Obviously we’re going to cut out shots that aren’t flattering, but it’s so much easier to make a great video when there’s better shot selection while editing.  One of our favorite videos that we’ve ever produced was on a day in April, probably expected to be a pleasant day by the couple.  But it was snowing and sleeting and windy and cold.  Instead of complaining and worrying about the cold, they kept their spirits up, enjoyed the fact that they were now married and turned what could’ve been a stressful couple of hours into a time of celebration and fun.

3. Outward appearance. I think every bride is gorgeous and glowing in their own unique way.  A lot of time and effort goes into your appearance on your wedding day, from the dress and accessories to the hair and makeup.  Don’t hesitate to ask your hairstylist or makeup artist to come for touch-up work after the ceremony.  And please don’t ruin a perfectly good shot by chewing gum!  I know you’re staving off hunger and want to have nice breath for your new spouse, but it’s very unflattering to see someone chomping away on a piece of Big Red.  Use breath mints if you really need to.

Next week’s tip: Integrating your style and story into your video

Tip # 2: Music Selection

Tip # 1: Choosing Your Videographer

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