A very eventful day for this couple and their family. Rebekah and Greg are from Alaska, and their family chose to drive down for the wedding. Unfortunately, it was a very snowy day, and as the family was driving through Idaho the day of the wedding, their car slid and rolled over. Thankfully, everyone was okay, but they did have to delay the sealing time for another 2 hours to get the car cleaned up and rent another car to continue on their journey. Suffice it to say, the bride and groom felt very blessed to have everyone there in one piece. Because of the time delay, it was getting quite dark by the time they were done, but we had some very pretty sunset shots. Their photographer, Anna Page, was again great to work with, and you can see some of her shots here.  Hope you like it!

4 responses to “Bountiful Temple Film – Rebekah and Greg”

  1. Mary P. Avatar
    Mary P.

    I really like the scene with all the “guys” walking with their jackets thrown over their shoulders 🙂

    Mary P.

  2. Mary P. Avatar
    Mary P.

    I really like the scene with all the “guys” walking with their jackets thrown over their shoulders 🙂

    Mary P.

  3. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks, I love doing stuff with just “the guys” they need a little recognition on the big day

  4. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks, I love doing stuff with just “the guys” they need a little recognition on the big day

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