Early one morning, our good friend and former client Sarah Morrow called us.  Her cousin was getting married that day and the family had decided against videography.  Fortunately, they changed their minds, but now it seemed a bit too late to call on anyone the day of the wedding.  Sarah thought she might give Spencer a try to see if he was available.  He was… sort of.  He was also shooting a ceremony wedding at the Alta Lodge at 4, and so would have maybe a half hour to work with them.  So he did his best to rush out there in time.  Of course he stayed longer than he expected, he always does.  (luckily he made it to the other wedding on time too).  So here is Casey & Kevin’s almost-didn’t-happen-but-thankfully-it-did temple film.

[flv:/media/2009/utah_wedding_video_mount_timpanogos_temple_casey_and_kevin.flv 480 270]

[tags] Mount Timpanogos Temple, Utah wedding video, LDS wedding video, Mormon wedding video, wedding videography, temple wedding, Giant Brothers [/tags]

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