Category: Uncategorized

  • I had a really great time shooting with Kyra and Anthony last month.  They are a lot of fun and I’m sure they’ll have a long and happy life together.  We had a great time at Boondocks, it’s always really fun to shoot there.  Hope you enjoy it! [flv:/media/2009/kyra_anthony_ls.flv 480 270] [tags] wedding video, utah,…

  • As promised, here is Brittany and James’ love story.  Quite different from Elena and Victor’s, they dated slightly longer than 7 days–they actually dated all through high school.  They were great fun to work with.  I’ll hopefully have each of their temple films from their double wedding up soon. [flv:/media/2009/utah_wedding_video_love_story_brittany_and_james.flv 480 270] [tags] wedding video,…

  • Elena and Victor had an unusual dating relationship before they got engaged, in that it lasted for only a few days before he popped the question.  And apparently Facebook is a tool in getting people together these days, who knew?  So they had a fun love story to tell, and I had a great time…

  • First of all, let’s start off with the basics and clarify the difference between a love story film and a date film: Love Story — The bride and groom being interviewed, telling their story of how they came to be together, along with them having fun doing an activity they enjoy. Date — Bride and…

  • First of all, let’s start off with the basics and clarify the difference between a love story film and a date film: Love Story — The bride and groom being interviewed, telling their story of how they came to be together, along with them having fun doing an activity they enjoy. Date — Bride and…

  • As promised, here is Whitney and Steve’s Salt Lake temple film. Again, they’re an awesome couple and I wish them the best! [tags] utah wedding video, salt lake temple, giant brothers, lds wedding video [/tags]

  • This will just be a short post to talk about the option of a pre-wedding film.  Many couples love the idea of a same day edit, and showing the temple portion of the wedding film at the reception that evening.  Sometimes, though, that’s not possible, usually due to time constraints if your ceremony time is…

  • Filming Whitney & Steve’s love story gave Spencer and I the opportunity to visit Logan, Utah,  a place we haven’t been to since we were in college, which has been at least 10 years (holy crap we’re getting old).  First of all, it was so much fun to be there, and remember the college days…

  • Filming Whitney & Steve’s love story gave Spencer and I the opportunity to visit Logan, Utah,  a place we haven’t been to since we were in college, which has been at least 10 years (holy crap we’re getting old).  First of all, it was so much fun to be there, and remember the college days…

  • Just a quick preview – plenty more coming soon. [flv:/media/2009/whitney_and_steve_ls_teaser.flv 480 270]