Elena and Victor had an unusual dating relationship before they got engaged, in that it lasted for only a few days before he popped the question.  And apparently Facebook is a tool in getting people together these days, who knew?  So they had a fun love story to tell, and I had a great time putting it together.  Elena and her sister Brittany decided on a double wedding back in March, you can see the teaser for their temple films here.  I’ll be posting Brittany & James’ love story later this week.

[flv:/media/2009/utah_wedding_video_soccer_love_story_elena_and_victor.flv 480 270]

[tags] utah wedding video, lds wedding video, giant brothers [/tags]

2 responses to “Elena & Victor Love Story”

  1. Mary Avatar

    Holy cow! That’s some fast moving Fb dating!!!!

    Mary P.

  2. Mary Avatar

    Holy cow! That’s some fast moving Fb dating!!!!

    Mary P.

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