Kylea and Eric have some mad golf skills. We had such a fun time putting this together. I will put up their temple film soon as well.

[flv:/media/utah_wedding_video_golf_date_film_kylea_and_eric_hd.flv 480 270]

[tags] date film, golf date, utah wedding video, willow creek, giant brothers [/tags]�

6 responses to “Golf Date Film – Kylea & Eric”

  1. Mary Avatar

    That one is Awesome! Funny!

  2. Mary Avatar

    That one is Awesome! Funny!

  3. Mary Avatar

    That one is Awesome! Funny!

  4. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Mary, It was nice because we arranged to use a special practice hole at the golf course, so we didnt have to worry about other golfers. The video might be extra funny for those who have seen “High School Musical” we threw a few parody shots in there.

  5. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Mary, It was nice because we arranged to use a special practice hole at the golf course, so we didnt have to worry about other golfers. The video might be extra funny for those who have seen “High School Musical” we threw a few parody shots in there.

  6. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Mary, It was nice because we arranged to use a special practice hole at the golf course, so we didnt have to worry about other golfers. The video might be extra funny for those who have seen “High School Musical” we threw a few parody shots in there.

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