Happy Birthday Violet

One year ago, my sweet little girl was born. She has brought so much fun and joy into our home. I am so grateful for my wonderful, beautiful wife for helping bring our sweet family into this world, and for all the help she is to me. This film is for her, and of course it’s a birthday present for my cute little one-year-old as well. I hope you all enjoy it.

Contact us if you are interested in doing a baby announcment film like this for your little one.

15 responses to “Happy Birthday Violet”

  1. Mary P. Avatar
    Mary P.

    So adorable!

  2. Mary P. Avatar
    Mary P.

    So adorable!

  3. Mary P. Avatar
    Mary P.

    So adorable!

  4. Cathy Avatar

    WOW!!! You like to make me cry, don’t you! My kids are saying “again! again!”. She is so beautiful and sweet! Thanks for sharing… I just may have to have one more kid just so you can come make a movie of it 🙂

  5. Cathy Avatar

    WOW!!! You like to make me cry, don’t you! My kids are saying “again! again!”. She is so beautiful and sweet! Thanks for sharing… I just may have to have one more kid just so you can come make a movie of it 🙂

  6. Cathy Avatar

    WOW!!! You like to make me cry, don’t you! My kids are saying “again! again!”. She is so beautiful and sweet! Thanks for sharing… I just may have to have one more kid just so you can come make a movie of it 🙂

  7. Jennifer Huffaker Avatar
    Jennifer Huffaker

    Spencer-That is an adorable video and beautiful girl! She is so sweet! It’s said how quick that first year goes huh!!
    Awesome video. Take care-Jennifer

  8. Jennifer Huffaker Avatar
    Jennifer Huffaker

    Spencer-That is an adorable video and beautiful girl! She is so sweet! It’s said how quick that first year goes huh!!
    Awesome video. Take care-Jennifer

  9. Jennifer Huffaker Avatar
    Jennifer Huffaker

    Spencer-That is an adorable video and beautiful girl! She is so sweet! It’s said how quick that first year goes huh!!
    Awesome video. Take care-Jennifer

  10. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks everyone for you comments, We are really blessed to have her with us.

  11. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks everyone for you comments, We are really blessed to have her with us.

  12. Miyo Avatar

    OMGOSH!!! I have to have this video for my next baby! Pure genius!

  13. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Miyo! I can’t believe how big she is getting now. aren’t kids awesome! I love the kids portraits you have been putting on your blog.

  14. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Miyo! I can’t believe how big she is getting now. aren’t kids awesome! I love the kids portraits you have been putting on your blog.

  15. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Miyo! I can’t believe how big she is getting now. aren’t kids awesome! I love the kids portraits you have been putting on your blog.

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