Hula – Teaser Trailer

As promised, here is the trailer for Madison’s Kaikamahine Hula Summer Recital. I will also be at their performance at Thanksgiving Point on October 17. It was a lot of fun to watch these kids, they did a really great job!

[flv:/media/hula08_teaser.flv 480 270]

5 responses to “Hula – Teaser Trailer”

  1. Kim Avatar

    It looks awesome! I can’t wait to see the final DVD!

  2. Kim Avatar

    It looks awesome! I can’t wait to see the final DVD!

  3. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Kim, we had a blast at the October performace.

  4. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Kim, we had a blast at the October performace.

  5. Spencer Avatar

    Thanks Kim, we had a blast at the October performace.

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