wedding video tips

We love great wedding videos! It is the best way to truly remember all the sights and sounds of your big day. A good wedding video not only helps you remember how things looked and sounded but also how you felt on that day. We would like to share some tips each week this month, to better help you have a great wedding film. Starting with choosing the right professional videographer. ( which may or may not be us)

Tip #1:     Top 3 rules for choosing your Videographer:

1. Their Personality

You would not invite a total jerk to your wedding, so why hire a person to film your wedding that you don’t like? Your videographer needs to be someone that you actually like and feel comfortable around. If you are not happy with the person behind the camera, your wedding video can really suffer.

2. Their Work

Next, check out their work.  Every bride has a different style, and so does every videographer.  Make sure you find someone that matches what you want in your wedding video.  When watching recent work of different videographers, pay attention to the quality of the video–the shot selection, lighting, editing, and overall professionalism–not to the song selection or the couple in the video.  Remember, the wedding video is more about emotion, and not just pretty shots.

3. Their Price

So you like the person, you like their work, now what’s their price?  Make sure your wedding video budget is accurate compared to the current pricing trends.  Producing a quality video takes hours of work, and most full time professionals charge more than minimum wage. In Utah’s current market, you can plan on spending at least $1000 for a good quality wedding video.  Most importantly, don’t wait until the last minute, when your wedding budget is so depleted that all you can afford is a $50 Craigslist slideshow.  If wedding video is a priority, reflect that in your budget.

Unfortunately, most couples have this list upside down.  They find a videographer that has a really great price first, later to find out that their work isn’t that great and they didn’t enjoy working with them.  Your wedding video experience deserves to be awesome!  Don’t settle for anything less.

Next week’s tip: Selecting music for your wedding video

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