Category: Uncategorized

  • Hula Highlight

    A few months ago I posted a teaser for the hula performances I was covering, and here’s an additional highlight I edited for them. This was a lot of fun to work on, and Madison did a great job as an instructor! [flv:/media/2009/hula_highlight_fall_2008.flv 480 270]

  • In an earlier blog post I showed the temple film opener for Rachel and Skyler.  They had a later sealing time with an earlier reception time, which meant I really couldn’t edit the full temple film the same day.  So here’s the full temple film, I think it turned out really great. Location: Jordan River Temple…

  • In an earlier blog post I showed the temple film opener for Rachel and Skyler.  They had a later sealing time with an earlier reception time, which meant I really couldn’t edit the full temple film the same day.  So here’s the full temple film, I think it turned out really great. Location: Jordan River Temple…

  • This was such a fun reception–it was held at a really cool place, the Paraiso Maravilla in Houston.  They had lots of fun dancing and crazy bride and groom games to see how compatible they are.  It was really funny.  Plus, they had a Utah Jazz cake alongside their traditional wedding cake, so that was…

  • This was such a fun reception–it was held at a really cool place, the Paraiso Maravilla in Houston.  They had lots of fun dancing and crazy bride and groom games to see how compatible they are.  It was really funny.  Plus, they had a Utah Jazz cake alongside their traditional wedding cake, so that was…

  • This was such a fun reception–it was held at a really cool place, the Paraiso Maravilla in Houston.  They had lots of fun dancing and crazy bride and groom games to see how compatible they are.  It was really funny.  Plus, they had a Utah Jazz cake alongside their traditional wedding cake, so that was…

  • Here is our brand new 2009 Weddings Trailer! It was so much fun to put together. Thanks to all our awesome clients from this last year. It’s Your Day. Think Giant. [tags] utah, wedding, video, lds, temple, giant brothers, trailer, wedding films [/tags]

  • We are excited once again to have a booth at Salt Lake’s Premier Wedding Show. It is next Saturday, January 17th at The Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Drop by and see us. We will be on the second, or Mezzanine level. There is so many great wedding vendors there, and you can’t beat the location. Drop…

  • We are excited once again to have a booth at Salt Lake’s Premier Wedding Show. It is next Saturday, January 17th at The Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Drop by and see us. We will be on the second, or Mezzanine level. There is so many great wedding vendors there, and you can’t beat the location. Drop…

  • My friend Mark Melville is the other brother in Giant Brothers, a very talented web programmer and my good friend since back in high school.  He and his wife Jamie celebrated their 10th anniversary just before Christmas, so they wanted to commemorate the occasion with a family videography session.  Their kids are really cute and…