Kylee & Jason Love Story

This couple is absolutely amazing! We had a great time shooting this at Liberty Park. They have so much fun together, I didn’t feel much need to direct them at all. They also had a cool story that they wanted to tell, and some great music to edit to. Enjoy!

[tags] giant brothers, love story, liberty park, utah wedding video, lds wedding video [/tags]

9 responses to “Kylee & Jason Love Story”

  1. Russ Broadhead Avatar


    Great job! I love it. I love how it captures Kylee and Jason’s personalities and story. What a great thing for them to have. One of my favorite shots is when they pop up from out of the bushes and then leaping over the park bench. You can really tell that they have FUN together!

    Awesome work!

  2. Russ Broadhead Avatar


    Great job! I love it. I love how it captures Kylee and Jason’s personalities and story. What a great thing for them to have. One of my favorite shots is when they pop up from out of the bushes and then leaping over the park bench. You can really tell that they have FUN together!

    Awesome work!

  3. Russ Broadhead Avatar


    Great job! I love it. I love how it captures Kylee and Jason’s personalities and story. What a great thing for them to have. One of my favorite shots is when they pop up from out of the bushes and then leaping over the park bench. You can really tell that they have FUN together!

    Awesome work!

  4. Spencer Avatar


    Thanks for your comments, Kylee and Jason were a blast to work with, and came up with that bench shot themselves. and Jason sure provided some stellar photos to use in the Love Story as well.

  5. Spencer Avatar


    Thanks for your comments, Kylee and Jason were a blast to work with, and came up with that bench shot themselves. and Jason sure provided some stellar photos to use in the Love Story as well.

  6. Spencer Avatar


    Thanks for your comments, Kylee and Jason were a blast to work with, and came up with that bench shot themselves. and Jason sure provided some stellar photos to use in the Love Story as well.

  7. Cathy Avatar

    That is pretty dang sweet!

  8. Cathy Avatar

    That is pretty dang sweet!

  9. Cathy Avatar

    That is pretty dang sweet!

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