Tara and Jeremy are getting married today at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Here’s their date film. We had a blast riding motorcycles and playing with their dogs in the park. I hope you enjoy it!

[flv:/media/utah_wedding_video_date_film_tara_and_jeremy_hd.flv 480 270]

[tags] giant brothers films, utah wedding videos, date films, motorcycle date, provo canyon [/tags]

4 responses to “Motorcycle Date Film – Tara & Jeremy”

  1. Mary Avatar

    That is an awesome video! Love the ring pop at the end, and the dogs! How’d you get all the moving shots? Hope you weren’t driving and shooting at the same time 🙂


  2. Mary Avatar

    That is an awesome video! Love the ring pop at the end, and the dogs! How’d you get all the moving shots? Hope you weren’t driving and shooting at the same time 🙂


  3. Spencer Avatar


    Thanks for all your awesome comments, I was filming out of the back of a truck. It was a bit hard to keep things smooth and not too shaky, but It sure was fun

  4. Spencer Avatar


    Thanks for all your awesome comments, I was filming out of the back of a truck. It was a bit hard to keep things smooth and not too shaky, but It sure was fun

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